Monday, July 28, 2008


It's the Monday after my Thursday kidney removal, and I feel great. I just got out of bed like nothing happened. Very little pain. I am a little light-headed this morning, but that's probably due to the fact that I am eating less than usual. Amy made some blueberry muffin tops last night, so I'll give a few of them a good home.

On a less glamorous point, I've been urinating as usual, with no pain or discomfort whatsoever. What else can I donate??


Anonymous said...

Glad you are feeling better so quickly! That's amazing! Boo Hoo for the Yankees last night (Go Red Sox!).

adegiulio said...

Thanks "Erin" (if thats your real name). Comments like those can get you BANNED from commenting on this blog. It's the web's #1 blog!! (about my kidney)

Tom said...

Well done, sir. Glad to hear you're doing well. Nothing to it, right? Now let's talk about ponying up a lobe of that liver...

- Simon

p.s. I hyped your heroism over at my blog,

adegiulio said...

Thanks Tom for the added visibility. I don't think anyone would want my liver....It's pretty beat up!