Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I'm working on it...

I'm preparing my post regarding yesterday's meeting, I'm just waiting for something. In the meantime, take a minute to read this nugget in the NY Daily News.


loraw81 said...

Sorry - don't know how that happened. Can you edit out this duplicate comment?

New comment. . .
So are you 32 or 35? Does donating a kidney made you younger?

Thanks for showing that one person can make a difference. God bless you!

adegiulio said...

I am neither 32, as noted in the story, nor 35, as posted on this blog. I'm a healthy 36 years old. When I started the blog I was 35, and I am just too lazy to change it now...

Thanks for the comment..

Anonymous said...

that is the most awesome picture that I've ever seen.

Anonymous said...

A, call me asap. _ Tom simon 773-451-6688

adegiulio said...

Tommy, it is one of the best pictures I have ever seen...there's real love there...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link to the News - they did an excellent job of detailing the complex surgery that YOU started! Congratulations on the fulfillment of YOUR dream.

The rest of this is about "Pass It Forward" - please review and contact me - please.

I've exchanged emails with Daniel...a miracle happened after he raised my consciousness and the amazing plight of a 29 year old "heroine" has landed on my desk.

I've glanced at the Kidney Registry web site - great hope there - but PUB is needed. You can continue to help save lives by LEVERAGE - and I might be able to individually help not only the needy friend to whom I volunteered my kidney because of you...but also "Jenny" - whose story you won't believe.

Because Fox and Friends recently helped out in a different medical situation, I'm targeting their legal/anchor Megyn Kelly for Jenny ...and I'm tipping her to you and your story.

Please email me so we can exchange or speak: rickmcgonnigal@adamscameron.comm

Thanks for the inspiration - and for your continued action.


Anonymous said...

Googled today to see if the story was picked up, and (truly) almost cried when I saw that pic, Anthony-who said the Hokey Pokey was what it's all about?!? No way--it's this stuff. Kudos--really. It makes me happy just to say that I know you!

adegiulio said...

Yeah Ev, a lot of people have reached out to me about that picture. That shot is precisely why I did this...